In order to support Pubs and Clubs CAMRA are planning to publish a Good Beer Guide for 2022 but with a 20% reduction in entries.
As its not possible to hold a meeting to select our entries the Branch is E-Mailing the voting forms our members.
If you have not received your forms you can e-mail treasurer <at> with your name and membership number she will forward you a form.
If are a Branch Member and you did not receive a form its possible your contact details held by HQ are incorrect, or your preferences exclude Branch E-Mails.
If you are a member and wish to receive branch e-mails visit the members dashboard:-
and check under “my membership” that your E-Mail address and Branch stored by CAMRA are correct and that under “Marketing Preferences” you have ticked the e-mail option next to “I wish to be contacted by my local CAMRA branch on local events and activities.” If you are undable to access the dashboard then you can ring the membership team on 01727 798440.
Source: Trafford & Hulme