Pub of the Season Summer 2022 – Beer Shed

Pub of the Season Summer 2022 Presentation to Beer Shed New Mills 800


High Peak, Tameside and North-East Cheshire Branch members recently voted the Beer Shed micro pub in New Mills as its Branch Pub of the Summer 2022.

The pub is located on Market Street in the centre of New Mills close to the small bus station and New Mills Central railway station.  Opened in 2016 this dog friendly pub has gone from strength to strength and provides a pleasant and comfortable place to drink for regular locals and visitors alike. There are usually three changing hand pumped cask beers with one from usually a local brewery plus real
ciders. A positive addition to the real ales and ciders available in the locality.  Its unusual layout consists of a long narrow bar with some table seating, a downstairs room and a small outdoor drinking area at the rear.

The Beer Shed is now firmly on the local pub map and is a well established, friendly and welcoming micro pub well worth a visit and which will probably not be your last.  The photograph shows Branch Chairman Ben Zwierink presenting the award certificate to Russ Degnan, the licensee.

Opening hours:-
Closed Mon/Tues
Wed/Thurs 4.00pm to 10.30pm
Fri/Sat 2.00pm to 10.30pm
Sun 2.00pm to 9.30pm.

Source: High Peak, Tameside & NE Cheshire News